SBC Submission on the Zero Carbon Bill

SBC Submission to the Ministry for the Environment’s Consultation Document on the Zero Carbon Bill

SBC Submission

Action on climate change is one of the top three priority issues for Sustainable Business Council (SBC) members. There is a growing sense of urgency and ambition amongst SBC members and they are leading the way on the transition to a low emissions economy by business.

Members want to work closely with government, academia and community groups to develop a vision for the transition. They want to help develop a framework of policies, legislation, incentives, financing mechanisms and market initiatives.

SBC members support the establishment of a Zero Carbon Act and agree with the guiding objectives for the framework and decision-making about the Zero Carbon Bill. This submission responds to each of the questions in turn and reflects the views of our 95 members, who represent around 29% of private sector GDP and employ 9% of New Zealand’s workforce.

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